Woodford Competition

Last week we talk about Bartender Competition and how to benefit from them. Here is the second part. Enjoy your reading.

The next benefit and first for today that I would like to mention is the networking when you are representing yourself as a brand, as a part of networking during bartender competition. Moreover, nowadays, I guess everybody understands the importance of self-branding and self-representation. Therefore, due to social media, you can represent and advertise yourself easily. For instance, it could lead to finding a full-time job or becoming a brand ambassador.

Pouring on the comp

One of my colleges, we worked together as Sommeliers he was mentor and teacher at that time, said to me:

” Don’t sell a bottle of wine, give your wine to your customer as a gift, let them enjoy. In addition, sell yourself, sell a story about that wine, that is the product what they are ready to pay for”.

Of course, you can find some cons as well:

time-consuming, some creations need investment, lack of transparent judgment. Similarly, some completions require a big investment, sometimes you need to provide samples of your drink to hundreds of people. Above all, if your expenses are not covered by your brand or establishment it can make a huge impact on your decision to take part in a bartender competition.

Woodford Competition

In addition, time-consuming might become a big issue as well, create recipes, select ingredients, find the right techniques, even write the speech, requires a lot of time. Most importantly, here you need to set the priorities, and you have to decide from where to cut. For example, your leisure time, time from family and friends or just to give away one of your shifts.

In a conclusion “The word competition comes from the Late Latin word competere, which means

‘to strive for the attainment of something alongside another,’”

it says to me that we should compete every day to be better people. Above all, knowledge, technique, presence, speed, network and relationships mean absolutely nothing if we are not striving to bring something positive for our community.

Compete or not compete for it’s up to you. To sum up, I hope this couple of minutes that you spend reading about the Bartender Competition will help you to choose the best option for you.

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Photo credit Rick O’Brien

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