
The traditional attribute of the New Year, along with a decorated Christmas tree and Christmas tunes is a bottle of champagne. I’ve always wondered: what is the situation with New Year’s treats in other countries, what is drunk at the festive table in Europe, America or in Asian countries. So, in honour of the New Year, I want to share some stories with you.

What people drink on New Year Eve in Europe

Traditionally, Germans celebrate Christmas and New Year with delicious Mulled Wine (hot wine), made from dry red wine with lemon zest and spicy spices. Therefore, it turns out that people in Germany start drinking this drink from the end of November to create a Christmas mood. This period calls “the time of mulled wine”.


So beloved by the Germans mulled wine is incredibly popular in the Scandinavian countries. They call him Glogg. For instance, it differs from the German drink in a different set of spices.

Given the fact that prohibition is rampant in Finland and Sweden, there is a non-alcoholic version, the basis of which is not wine, but currant or grape juice. Hot Finnish guys are happy to use it as well.

Tart warming mulled wine is also very popular in Holland and Austria. For instance, they even drink it right on the street, like coffee, eating donuts.

Traditional Ukrainian drink Uzvar. That has a very simple yet refined recipe including fruits and berries that grow in almost every Ukrainian garden). In olden times, Uzvar symbolized a good life: fruits meant fertility, while honey meant a sweet life.

Champagne and Cruchon-a drink made of wine, spices, champagne and fruit-are traditionall present on the festive table of the French.

In Ireland and Luxembourg, the New Year is celebrated with wine, in most cases, own making.

Christmas Martini

In the UK, they prepare a special Christmas Punch Wassail. The name of which comes from the Old English language and translates as “be healthy”.

How surprised I was to learn a couple of years ago that in some countries at Christmas and New Year’s holidays on the table put drinks made from milk!

Milk Punch
For example, in the Netherlands, Slem is very respected โ€“ a milkshake with the addition of dried fruits and spices.

What people drink on New Year Eve in Africa

New Year customs of African countries are based on traditions introduced by colonizers. Since there is no champagne in Africa, it is successfully replaced by homemade beer.

Insist it begin a month before the holiday, so that by the New Year it just came up. After that, then pours it into a large jug and serve it to the table for family and friends.

In addition, some Africans prefer wine for the holidays, which is a shortage on the continent and is very expensive.

Stay turned, Asia, Australia and both Americas are coming in the NEW 2021 YEAR!!! Above allI wish all of you the BEST WISHES to you and your families. See you.

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