The traditional attribute of the New Year, along with a decorated Christmas tree and Christmas tunes is a bottle of champagne. I’ve always wondered: what is the situation with New Year’s treats in other countries, what is drunk at the festive table in America or in Asian countries.
In honour of the New Year, I want to share some stories with you. Also, if you want to check out New Year’s drinks in Europe and Africa, you will find them here.
What people drink on New Year Eve in Europe?
I recently learned that dairy New Year’s drinks are popular not only in the Netherlands. I’ve always been sure that real Americans prefer whiskey.
But no – during the Christmas and New Year period, residents of the United States and Canada drink eggnog – a kind of eggnog made of cream and raw eggs. Initially, the basis of this drink was ale, then rum, and only in the nineteenth century the alcohol in the cocktail was replaced with milk.
What are the New Year’s drinks in South America?
A similar New Year’s drink is popular in the countries of the South American continent: Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico.
For instance, In Chile, a milkshake for the Christmas table is called cola de mono (“monkey’s tail”). For its preparation, the cream is mixed with rum or brandy, coffee, spices, vanilla and nuts are added. Drink cold.
Mexicans, in addition to a creamy drink, prepare Ponche Navideño for the New Year – a punch consisting of dried fruits, citrus, apples, sugar cane and hawthorn.
The basis is cognac, rum or tequila. Therefore, they drink hot right on the street. Fruit punches are also served on the New Year’s table in Guatemala and Jamaica.
How to celebrate the New Year in Asia?
Knowing that the Chinese almost do not drink alcohol, moreover, I was not surprised that the main drink of festive meals is green tea. In addition, women can afford some plum wine, and men are treated to rice alcoholic beverages.
In Thailand and India, according to tradition, alcoholic beverages are banned in the New Year. Above all, the local population makes do with juices and soda. And of course, it all changes with a new generation.
I thought that in Eastern Slavic there should be traditional drinks with which our ancestors celebrated the arrival of the New Year.
The most popular treat was considered sbiten, which was prepared from honey and spices. Moreover, in ancient times it was almost no alcohol on the tables. For instance, there were kissels, brews, and kvass on the tables.
To sum up, it would be nice to revive the old New Year and Christmas traditions on our tables. Do you want to try something from the list? Or have you already tried it?
Let me know in the comment below.
Drink responsibly.