
If you ask what most bartenders dream of, it probably will be working in a place that sells a lot of cocktails. It is believed that only in cocktail bars people come for cocktails. But this is not the case. Cocktails are drunk where there are conditions for this. Fathermore, interest in cocktails can be “rocked” and today we will talk about how to increase your revenue and sell more cocktails.

The concept of the cocktail menu

Choosing the right cocktail list concept is half of the success. You should clearly understand who your target audience is, what they like, what they will appreciate and how to surprises them. And, based on this, select the range, feed, execution in the menu. Moreover, it is not quite correct to just collect “assorted” from popular and classic cocktails. In this case, your cocktail menu will not have an attractive unique component and will not be noticed.

I recommend focusing on techniques such as:

– Unique and unusual presentation and garnishing

– Twists

– Seasonal menu

– Sustainable techniques

– Homemade and complex components

– Linking to the general concept of the venue

– Prices and budgeting

The Sphere

The link between the bar and the customer:

Waiters are the second most important link between your cool cocktail menu and your guests (the first is, of course, the menu). Cocktails need to be sold to guests then sales will go up. Often, waiters could sell more cocktails, but they don’t have enough information about them, lucking of words to describe the flavours, aroma, taste.

In fact, this is might be corrected by working out-tasting. But for the efficient and better results, it is necessary that the waiters not only test it, but also speculate, describe, make suggestions to each other, play game to sale it to each other.

For instance, prepare a table that you will fill out together. In it, each cocktail you lay out according to taste (sweet, sour-sweet, bittersweet), strength (weak, medium, strong), base (rum, gin, vodka…), description of features (serving, main flavor additive), analogues (which popular cocktails are similar), timing( aperitif, digestive, accomplish the main course).

Similarly, a good tool is to motivate waiters to sell cocktails through competitions and games. In addition, establish a prize for the biggest sales or come up with a quest with a set of balls and the participation of guests.

How quality control could help you to sell more cocktails?

Dirty Martini

If you launch a vigorous activity to promote cocktails, guests are likely to react positively and with interest. Therefor, they will start ordering and trying, share opinions and here it is important to establish equality between expectation and reality. The cocktail should be great every time. And this is the task of your team of bartenders. What you need to control:

1. The timing. Drinks should always be given quickly. Guests can agree to wait patiently for food, but only if there is a drink on the table. Moreover, quickly serve drinks will help properly organized workplace, efficient bartender and the right preparations. Remember, speed of you drinks depends how well your bar and station been prepared and how well your bartenders been trained.

2. Quality of cocktails. You can’t avoid using a jigger to provide proper measurement and consistency of you drinks. It is also related to all your homemade ingredients (syrups, cordials, infusions, and others). Likewise, try to test each drink to be sure of the balance. In addition, control the visual representation of the drink โ€“ glass, garnish, ice, important to keep consistency not only with the balance ant taste of the cocktails, but also with the visual presentation.

3. Bartenderโ€™s heart. Most impotently, each cocktail should contain the bartender’s desire to give the guest a positive emotion. Moreover, this is achieved only by the right selection of people who are “game changers”.

Know your products

It is critically important to know your products. I am talking not only the brand history, production process, geographical identification, but also why you using this specific liquor in your creation, why it suit here and how it can be replaced if it possible, how it reflect the whole drink and link to other ingredients. What inspire you to use it, maybe it was some personal story behind the cocktail.

Seasonal offers and updates

And of course, do not forget about updates and new products. Look what is on trend in your city, region, country. Again, periodically change the main map, put special offers and develop seasonal offers. Find your own style in this. Everyone has the usual special offers and they usually do not surprise the guest. Try to be creative in this as well.

Become the face of the cocktail

Guests are very interested in cocktails if they know the people behind it. Moreover, communicate with guests not only at the bar, and not only about the bar. For instance, ask for feedback, recommendation, treat, even favourites spots of your guests.

Create a category in the Instagram of your establishment, where you will prepare and serve different cocktails. Personification is useful for you and for your cocktail card.

Pricing and Costing

Above all, pricing and cost control, I left at the end. All above only make sense with correct and efficient pricing.  Work with your finance department, GM or managers to find the way to meet consumers need and satisfy establishments needs as well.

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